J Michael Hagopian
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J. Michael Hagopian made over 70 films on the subject of international cultures, most of which were distributed by Atlantis Films, the company he founded. Born in Kharpert-Mezreh, Armenia, on Octoner 20,1913, Jakob Michael Hagopian emigrated with his parents to Fresno, California as a young boy, and eventually moved to Los Angeles in his teens. He graduated from UC Berkeley, did two years of graduate study in the cinema department at the University of Southern California, and received a PhD in International Relations at Harvard. He taught political science and economics at UCLA, the American University in Beirut, Benares Hindu University, and Oregon State University. In 1954, dissatisfied with the quality of educational films that were available for use in his classroom, he left his teaching career, began filmmaking, founded Atlantis Films, and became friends with Southern California academic filmmakers Johanna Alemann and Thomas Stanton. Hagopian made films for both young learners as well as for secondary school students. His most intellectually stimulating films were those made for the Secondary Schools market, spanning the world’s geographies and cultures, and winners of numerous educational film awards.

In 1979, he founded the Armenian Film Foundation. He remained actively making films, primarily on Armenian historical subjects, and coordinated the Armenian Film Festival up until his passing on December 10, 2010.

Filmography: Academic Films

Africa is My Home
African Girl: Malobi
Ali and His Baby Camel
Amazon: Life Along the River in Perú
American Indian in Transition
An Indian Summer
Ancient Phoenicia
Apryl and Her Baby Lamb
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Arab Middle East
As Long as the Grass is Green
Asian Earth
Black Heroes of America
Black Roots in Africa
Century of Silence: Problems of the American Indian
Himalayan Holiday
Himalaya: Life on the Roof of the World
Hindu Village Boy
History of Southern California: Parts I and II
How to Do Research
How Vast is Space?
Incredible India
India and Her Food Problem
Indian Heroes of America
Israel: Nation of Destiny
Jerusalem: Center of Many Worlds
Jerusalem and Its Contributions
Mountain Community of the Himalayas
Museum: Gateway to Perception
Nigeria: Problems of Nation Building
Nile River Basin and the People of the Lower River
Noise Not Sound
Pathways Through Pakistan (and the Gangetic Valley)
Problems of the Middle East
Ricky’s Great Adventures
Seacoast Villages of Japan
Silk Making in China
Soviet Boy
Tibetan Traders
What Would You Do?
Where are My People?
Winter on an Indian Reservation

Films on Armenian subjects

Armenian Case, The
Forgotten Genocide
Germany and the Secret Genocide

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