Paul L. Hoefler Filmography

Paul Louis Hoefler had a limited career in feature
films, spanning the years from 1927 to approximately 1940. His career as a
producer of academic films for the classroom ran from the early 1950s to the
early 1980s. He died in 1982. See his biography
and oral history, detailing is early life through
his Denver African Expedition of 1927.
Feature Films:
The Bushmen (1927), Director
Africa Speaks! (1930), Co-produced with Walter Futter, Narr. Lowell Thomas.
Included Africa footage from the Colorado African Expedition, the Masai, Wassara
and Ubangi tribes as well as staged scenes shot near Westlake Village,
The Voice of India (1936), Prod. Paul L. Hoefler, Dir. Wallace Worsley, Paul
Hoefler, cinematographer
Elephant: Devil or God (1939, 11m) Phot., Narr. Hoefler. Presents the
elephants of Africa and India. Distributed by Filmosound.
Leopard Men of Africa (1940), Produced by Paul Hoefler, Walter Futter, and
B.F. Zeidman (uncredited), Dir. Allyn Butterfield and Paul Hoefler
Belgian Congo (1940?) 10 m, Phot. Narr. Hoefler. A visit with the Mayoko,
Mangbetu, and Pygmy tribes of the Congo, and the Bamburi (probably Mursi) and
Mari (Bodi?) tribes of Ethiopia. Hoefler appears on camera, presenting a large
cigar to a chief
Academic films produced by Paul L. Hoefler Productions
Many films produced by Hoefler lack director and writing credits. These are
included below when known. Filmmakers Frederic Christian,
Willard Hahn, Ted Phillips, and Jackson Winter
made films for Hoefler, among others. Please
contact us if you can provide further details.
African Birdlife (1963, 11m). Depicts the birds of tropical lakes and
marshland streams of Central Africa in their natural habitat.
African Fauna (1953, 11m). Shows scenes of such animals as waterbuck, impala,
cheetah, crocodile, elephant, zebra, lion, giraffe and hippopotamus.
Photographed in Kenya Colony, Uganda and the Belgian Congo.
African Tribes: Strange Peoples of the African Forests, Lakes, and Deserts
(1942, 11m). Shows four tribes - - Bamburi saucer - lipped people of Lake Albert
district, Ifi pygmies of Ituri Forest, long - headed Mangbettu of central
Belgian Congo and the Rendilli, strange nomads of the Kaisut Desert, Kenya.
African Wildlife Sanctuary (1960, 11m). A trip through Kruger National Park is
portrayed with views of the rest camps and roads. Wild animals encountered
include lions, elephants, hippos, elands, impalas and monkeys.
American Samoa (1959, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Depicts the people of
American Samoa in their everyday pursuits. Shows tapa cloth, kava bowls and
other objects produced for tourist trade, Pago Pago, government.
Andes Story (1954). Phot. Willard C. Hahn
Antarctica (1960, 17m). Documents an Australian expedition to set up a
research station on the Antarctic continent. Includes views of adelie penguins.
Arizona: Land of Color and Contrast (1949? 39m). Phot. Paul Hoefler, Narr.
Raymond Carlson. Made for Standard Oil Company of California.
Argentina's Lifestream (1954, 11m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows cattle
raising, one of Argentina's chief industries and describes the pampas and the
life of the gaucho.
Artistry in Sugar (1972, 15m). Features the skilled specialists in the
artistry of sugar called ornamentalists. Features many beautiful objects created
for the viewer by one of the world's greatest ornamentalists, Eric Sagar.
Athens: Birthplace of Democracy (1971, 18m). Dir., Narr. Jackson Winter, Phot.
Chester L. Henson. Stresses the historical and
cultural importance of Athens, as it remains one of the few places in the world
bearing artifacts and constructions of earlier civilizations. Emphasizes its
importance as a center of trade and government in Greece. A Greek elementary
school class makes a field trip through Athens.
Austria and the Lipizzaner Horses (1972, 17m). Phot. Sylvia Christian, Edit.
Jackson Winter, Prod. Paul Hoefler. Explains how the love of beauty and the
Austrian pride in careful attention to details are reflected in the routines of
the Lipizzaner Performing Horses. Based on a lecture by Sylvia C. Hoefler.
Bantu Tribes of South Africa, The (1972, 19m).
Prod. Willem Viljoen, W. John Smith, Phot. John Fennel. Takes the viewer on a visit to
the homelands and Kraals of the Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Swazi, Sotho, Venda, Shagave and Tsonga peoples of South Africa.
Shows Black college students and laboratory workers, Middle Class Blacks dining
at home, Black drill team, saw mill and mining workers.
Bees and Their Habits (1957, 11m). Story of the honeybee. Worker bees are
shown harvesting pollen and nectar and bringing it to the hive.
Brazilian Rain Forest (1954, 11m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows the terrain of
the Paraguay River Basin of Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area of heavy rainfall.
Describes life and industry and how the Indians and animals live in this wet,
hot climate.
Bread Making (1950, 1969, 11m). Portrays the main steps in the operation of a
modern bakery. Stresses the importance of proper nutrition, showing that bread
contains so many health - giving body needs that it has become man's most
popular single food.
British Columbia: Canada's Pacific Gateway (1950, 22m). Pictures the wildlife,
scenery and industrial regions of British Columbia. Depicts the daily activities
of the province's inhabitants. Provides scenes of Victoria, Vancouver, Prince
Rupert and Caribou Trail.
Charm of Africa (1949? 39m). Made for Standard Oil Company of California.
Citrus Culture (Elementary Version, 1954, 17m). Depicts the most advanced
methods used in the nurseries and citrus groves of the United States for growing
oranges, limes, tangerines and lemons.
Citrus Culture (Secondary Version, 1954, 13m). Shows the steps of citrus
culture from selected seeds planted in nursery flats to the loading of field
boxes of fruit onto a truck to be taken to a packing house.
Coral Reef (1967, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Explains how over long periods
of time the calcium secretions of tiny tropic organisms called polyps form rock
- hard reefs, such as Australia's Great Barrier Reef, one of nature's best
laboratories for studying corals and an endless variety of plant and sea life.
Cotton Picking and
Ginning: The Story of Cotton from Harvest to Mill. (1948, 11m). Phot. Prod.
Hoefler. Studies cotton from harvest to mill. Shows such aspects as hand picking
methods, picking by machines, ginning the cotton, experts classing cotton,
shipping by rail and ocean freighter to mills.
Cotton Planting (1948, 1963, 11m). Phot. Hoefler. Shows various operations
involved in growing cotton, such as preparation of seed beds, cultivation by
hand, dusting for insect pests by helicopter and chemical defoliation before the
Date Culture in the United States (1947, 11m). Depicts the raising of dates in
Indio, California, from propagation to packing.
Death Valley: Ancient and Modern (1950, 1960, 20m). Previously released as
Historic Death Valley. A tour of Death Valley showing places of greatest
historic, scenic, geological and ecological interest.
Historic Death Valley (1951, 20m). Later released as Death Valley:
Ancient and Modern (1960). The natural and historic sights of Death Valley,
California and Nevada.
Death Valley
National Monument (1950, 1962, 11m). Phot. Hoefler. A condensed version of
Death Valley: Ancient and Modern (rev.)' Shows the scenic grandeur, history,
life and resources of Death Valley, California.
East Africa (1954,1970, 22m). Describes the physical features and the natural
life of East Africa, focusing on Nairobi, Mombasa, the Nile River and Dar Es
Salaam. Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda.
Egypt: Land of Antiquity (1969, 17m). Phot. Jackson Winter. Shows the glories
of ancient Egypt - relics and artifacts of the pharaohs, hieroglyphics and
temples in the fertile Nile Valley. Visits the granite quarries in Aswan and
studies the sandy wastes of the desert. Explores the Temple of Karnak and all
its treasures, Luxor and the obelisks and the tomb of Cheops at Giza.
Egypt Today: The United Arab Republic (1969, 17m). Phot. Jackson Winter.
Explores the Egypt of today, including scenes of the old and new sections of
Cairo and of the primitive farming practices carried on by the majority of the
Ethiopia: Africa's Ancient Kingdom (1961, 17m). Phot. Frederic Christian, W.
Robert Morey. A general overview of the principal characteristics of the country
and the people. Makes brief reference to the history, influence and present
status of the Italian occupation. Includes scenes of tribal chiefs, farmers,
religious leaders and Emperor Haile Selassie. Prod. Hoefler, La Jolla.
Family Afoot in the Yukon (1941, 22m). Phot., W., Narr.
William Albee. Features the Albee family (William, Ruth, Billy, Jo-Evelyn) on a
300 mile hike through the Yukon Territory. Explains how they live off the land.
Glacier Park and the Canadian Rockies (1948, 1959, 24m). Phot.
Hoefler. Pictures the many scenic wonders and wild life of Glacier Park, Lake
Macdonald, Waterton Lakes Park, Banff and Lake Louise.
Guadalajara Family (1958, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows the life of a
family in modern, industrialized Mexico. Prod. Hoefler, Los Angeles.
Una Familia de Guadalajara (1958, 17m). Spanish version of 'Guadalajara
Family.' Shows the life of a family in modern, industrialized Mexico.
Gymnastics: Fundamentals and Techniques (1949, 16m). Regular
and slow motion photography are used to illustrate rope climbing, tumbling and
gymnastics on the parallel bars and long horse.
Honolulu: Profile of
Democracy (1960, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Depicts the development of
Hawaii since its annexation in 1898. Discusses Hawaii's natural resources. Shows
activities of three families of Honolulu. Celebrates racially mixed marriages,
integrated schools and relationships, among Native, Portuguese, Chinese,
Japanese Hawaiian citizens. Prod. Paul Hoefler, La Jolla.
Hudson River, The: America's Waterway of History (1970, 18m). Dramatizes the
Hudson River's significance beginning with the Revolutionary War. Illustrates
historically important developments and the Hudson's contributions and
importance through authentic period maps and illustrations. Points out the
relationship between transportation facilities and the growth of cities and
Hunza: A Remote Himalayan Community (1968, 19m). W. Robert H. Burget, Phot.
Zygmunt Sulistrowski. Life in the Himalayan mountain state of Hunza, whose
inhabitants are descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great and their
Persian wives, follows a pattern that resembles that of the Middle Ages. Under
the leadership of the Mir, the people live peacefully with life expectancy
exceeding 90 years.
Icebreaker: A Voyage to Antarctica (1967, 17m). The modern icebreaker makes it
possible for men of science to explore and study the frozen continent of
Antarctica. The round -bottomed ships are designed to make a trail through the
ice ring and ice pack that form a barrier around the research
India: Arts and Artisans (1965, 17m). Phot. Ted Phillips. Describes the Indian
peoples' respect for beauty. Pictures the work of the Indian craftsmen. Includes
scenes of the Taj Mahal, a marble mausoleum built at Agra by the Mogul emperor
Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife.
India: Asia's Subcontinent (1969, 17m). Phot. Ted Phillips. Points out that
leaders of the 450 million people of India are faced with the problems of food
scarcity, overpopulation, low incomes, floods and drought. Explains why India's
economy depends on the farmer.
India: People in Transition (1969, 17m). Phot. Ted Phillips. Explains the
problems which India must face while going through a period of transition.
Describes how the leaders of the country are attempting to create a stable
Irish Republic: A Profile (1968, 22m). Phot. John Weld, Rod Yould, W. Louise
C. Brown. Points out that Ireland is a small agricultural nation with limited
amounts of tillable land and natural resources, and that its people are
descendants of Spaniards, Norsemen, Gauls, and Celts. Distributed by BFA,
Island Continent,The: Australia (1966, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Because of
its remoteness, Australia has long remained a sparsely inhabited and under -
developed continent, but it is now in the process of change. It is developing
its rich store of natural resources, opening up its backlands and diversifying
its agriculture.
Jordan and the Wonders of Petra (1954, 1972, 16m). Phot., W., Jackson Winter.
Explores Jordan's rich history reflected in its ruins and in its present
culture. Distributed by BFA.
Linking Two Continents (1957? 30m). Phot.Hoefler. A promotional film for
Farrell Lines, showing a voyage on their ship SS African Endeavor from New York
to Cape Town. Shows elements of ship and crew, including mess, sports, leisure.
Ship's interior was done by noted Designer Dorothy Marckwald. Travels to
Jamestown, St. Helena, and visits Longwood, house where Napoleon was exiled and
died. In SA, shows, Cape Town's "Coon Carnival," with whites in Blackface,
Garden Route, Little Karoo, Nisna, Transkei, Joburg, Kruger N.P., Durban, and
native dancers in Zululand.
Mammals of Africa and India (1967, 11m). Depicts elephants, rhinoceroses and
hippos, emphasizing physical appearance, eating habits and behavior in a zoo as
contrasted with life in the wilds.
Mexican Potters: Clay Art in Old Mexico (1948, 1959, 11m). Phot. Willard C.
Hahn. Shows how regional traditions of design and available materials have led
to distinctive types of pottery in various sections of Mexico.
Mexican Village Family (1959, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows how a Mexican
village family meets its basic needs by farming and home crafts.
Una Familia de un Pueblo Mexicano (1959, 17m). Spanish version of
'Mexican Village Family.
Village Life (1958, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Depicts the daily lives of
the people in San Diego de Tecoltepec, a small village in the Great Valley of
Mexico, showing how the people depend on each other for such simple needs as
water, fuel and food. Prod. Hoefler, Los Angeles.
Vida en un Pueblo Mexicano, La (1958, 17m). Spanish version of Mexican
Village Life.
Mexico at Work (1960, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows fishing in the Gulf
of Mexico, oil wells in Vera Cruz, sugar cane industry, corn raising and
harvesting and rice culture. Discusses physical factors that have determined the
course of development of Mexico's economy, explaining that there are three
productive zones which yield a variety of agricultural products as well as oil
and minerals. Explains how the Mexican people earn their livelihood.
Mexico Trabajando (1960, 17m). Spanish version of 'Mexico at Work.'
Mexico City: Pattern for Progress (1959, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows
various aspects of Mexico City as seen through the eyes of a middle class
family, a university student and a civil engineer.
La Ciudad de Mexico (1960, 17m). Spanish version of Mexico City.
Mexico's Heritage (1960, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows ruins of Aztec and
Toltec civilizations and explains colonial influence on architecture and
religion. Includes an Aztec sacrificial dance. Traces the cultural forces that
have influenced people of Mexico from Pre - Colombian times to the present.
Shows important archeological sites and relics from the National Museum of
Archeology and History at Mexico City which give evidence of Aztec and other
Indian civilizations.
La Herencia Mexicana (1960, 17m). Spanish version of 'Mexicos heritage.'
Monument Valley: Land of the Navajo (1959, 22m). Presents a brief look at the
life of a Navajo who lives in the four - corner country of Arizona, Colorado,
New Mexico and Utah.
Navigators, The: Europe Explores the Pacific (1967, 17m). Phot. Willard C.
Hahn. Tells how Magellan sailed through the straits that bear his name and
discovered the Pacific Ocean. Recounts how other explorers, following Magellan's
route, sighted Hawaii and Australia. Lands and Peoples of Oceania series.
Operation Freighter
(1964, 25m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows the operation of the Matson ship SS
Hawaiian Farmer, a 12,000 ton oil burning cargo freighter, as it sails from San
Francisco to Hawaii. Prod. Paul Hoefler La Jolla.
Operation Jetliner (1965, 17m). Describes aviation history which led up to the
development of the modern jetliner. Explains why the jets fly farther, faster
and higher than their predecessors. Discusses the principles of design on all
planes which determine forces of lift and control.
Operation Liner (1965, 20m). Phot., Edit. Willard C. Hahn, assisted by wife
Anne. Pictures the pre-sailing preparations and voyage of the liner, SS Lurline,
which travels between California and Hawaii. Clarifies the roles of the crew
members, such as the captain, chief engineer, doctor, chief steward and purser.
Ostrich Farming in South Africa (1957, 11m). Presents the historical
background and scientific facts of ostrich farming operations, an important part
of South Africa's agriculture.
Pablo de Yucatan (1962, 11m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. A Spanish language film.
Provides a visit with ten year - old Pablo, depicting his family, his school and
a trip to the village Saturday market.
Panama Canal (1962, 17m). Depicts ships from the Pacific entering the canal
and being lifted 85 feet by the Miraflores and Pedro Miguel Locks to Galliard
Cut and Gatun Lake. The vessels are returned to sea level by the three giant
locks at Gatun.
Paraguay: A New Frontier
(1958, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. A cattle drive is followed across the barren
lands of the Chaco to the stockyards of Asuncion. Shows the pioneering and
progress taking place in this area.
Paraguay: Yesterday and Tomorrow (1958, 11m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Explains
how under the Point Four Program the United States is co-operating with Paraguay
in the development of an improved school system, new highways and other modern
Peoples of the Island World (1967, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Describes how
the islands of the South and Central Pacific were originally populated by three
major groups of native people - - the Melanesians, the Micronesians and the
Polynesians. Shows their movement to Australia from Asia, then migrating by
fragile canoes to the islands to the north, east and south.
Peru: Land of the Incas (1958, 11m) Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Describes the
geography of Peru. Pictures how the people of the country live and work.
Peru: Upper Amazon Region (1957, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Describes the
life of an American family in Tingo Marie, Peru, where they live on a large
plantation which carries on agricultural experimentation.
Pineapple Culture
(1956, 11m). Describes pineapple industry from the preparation of the soil to
the harvest. Shows the use of highly skilled labor and modern machine methods in
every stage. Dist. by BFA.
Primary Reading (1946, 8m). Discusses primary reading designed for word
recognition as based on child psychology research conducted by J D Knight.
Rome: The Eternal City (1977, 21m). Presents information on the history of
Rome from the time it was founded to the 1970's.
Sacramento: Capital City of California (n/d, 5m). Presents history, geography
and pertinent points about the capital of California.
Salmon: Life Cycle of the Sockeye (1951, 1971, 11m). The Skeena and Fraser
rivers, the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the creeks that run into Morice Lake are
the locale of this story of the birth, life and death of the sockeye salmon.
Presents the complete life cycle of the sockeye salmon from laying and
fertilization of the eggs, through the development of the sac fry and the growth
of the young fish. Continues with the long journey of the fingerlings to the sea
and the final return of the mature salmon to their birthplace, where they spawn
and die.
San Francisco: Story of
a City (1963, 21m). Photo, Edited by Willard C. Hahn. Portrays the history
of San Francisco pointing out that sailing ships brought the gold miners of
1848, the workers who built the transcontinental railroads, and the farmers,
merchants, loggers and cattlemen. Depicts the city today as a center of wealth,
culture and beauty.
South Africa (1952, 1962, 30m). Phot.Hoefler. Surveys the industrial
activities, agriculture and mining in South Africa. Shows the Zulus and their
customs, and views of Kruger National Park.
Taxco: Village of Art (1957, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows scenes of the
town, the market and the home life of the people. Beginning with the 18th
century church, traces the art of Taxco through the weaving of baskets in the
villages, the handcrafts at the little silver shops and the modern factories.
Modern application of Aztec designs to costume jewelry is depicted. Shows scenes
of the town, the market and the home life of the people.
Taxco: Pueblo de Arte (1961, 17m). Spanish version of 'Taxco: Village of
Time Changes the Land: Geology of Zion Bryce (1963, 23m). Pictures the land
formations in Zion and Bryce canyons and explains their development. Studies the
geological and ecological aspects of the region.
Tuna Fishing (1947, 1963, 11m). W. Robert H. Burgert. Shows a tuna clipper's
cruise from Southern California to the fishing banks of Central America. An
overall picture of modern methods of tuna fishing and areas in which fishing
fleets work is given. Sponsored by Westgate Sea Products Co.
Tuna Packing (1947, 1963, 11m). W. Robert H. Burgert. Describes processing
fish from unloading of frozen tuna until it is canned, cased and ready for
market. Sponsored by Westgate Sea Products Co.
Victoria Falls: The Smoke That Thunders (1953, 11m). Locates Victoria Falls on
the Zambesi River in South Africa. Shows parts of Rhodesia and the country
surrounding the falls with its abundant wild life.
Weaver, The (1968, 17m). Prod. Elizabeth Boukas. Hal Painter is a young artist
who is attempting to add new dimensions to the craftsmanship of weaving. He
explores a variety of patterns, textures and tonal values.
West Indies: Lands in Transition (1961, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Shows how
the discovery of the rich and strategically located islands of the Caribbean
caused the major seafaring nations of the world to seek their control. Explains
that after three centuries of colonial status all the islands were able to end
European rule and establish independence except those owned by England.
Whales and Whalermen
(1967, 22m). Phot. Dick Reucassel , Courtney Meredith. Follows a whaling
expedition out of Durban into the Indian Ocean. Shows the killing of three
whales, a sperm, a finback and a sei. Gives details of the economic importance
of whaling. Prod. Paul Hoefler, Los Angeles.
Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons (1947, 1964, 22m). Phot.Hoefler. Presents
views from both an airplane and an automobile of Old Faithful and the
Yellowstone River Canyon, the geyser basins, Sulphur Springs, Grand Canyon,
fishing spots, dude ranches and roundups. Western Air Trails series, produced
for Western Air Lines.
Yosemite National Park (1945, 1950, 1973, 11m). Phot. Hoefler. Shows the
famous Yosemite Valley in both summer and winter, beginning at the south gate
and following the Merced River. Includes Yosemite Falls, El Capitan, Half Dome,
Bridal Veil Falls and Mirror Lake.
Yucatan: Land of the Maya (1962, 17m). Phot. Willard C. Hahn. Portrays the
ancient cities of Chichen Itza and Uxmal. Shows examples of handicrafts made by
descendants of the Mayas and the conquistadores living in Yucatan today.
Includes views of the modern city of Merida and the country villages.
Zanzibar South (1961, 18m). Depicts an expedition, led by Dr. John Morgans of
the Zanzibar Fisheries Research Station, searching for marine specimens, and
particularly for coelacanth, a prehistoric fish thought extinct until 1938.