Georg Schimanski
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Schimanski was a master of time-lapse and micro-cinematography. Working primarily for FWU, a German company, his films were distributed by U.S. companies such as Benchmark, and Encyclopaedia Britannica. We thank his daughter Swetlana for compiling and fowarding the following a biography and filmography…

Georg Schimanski was born at the of October 1919 as the 2nd child of the married-couple Maria and August Schimanski in Allenstein/East-Prussia. He grow up with an elder sister and three younger brothers. 1924 the family moved to Königsberg/East-Prussia. There he went to school and started in 1936 a mercantile apprenticeship in the " Photographic materials and cinema special Shop – Schilling", against the wishes of his parents, who wanted him to become a Catholic priest. During his education he met Heinz Sielmann, who made his first film " Vögel über Haff und Wiesen" in 1936 , and the foundation stone for his working life was laid.

1939 he was called up to the military service. In 1944 he was wounded, taken prisoner of war by the Red Army, and released in the summer of 1945. On the 27th of April 1946 he married Rosemarie Schwede. A short time later he again met Heinz Sielmann and worked as his operative cameraman on many biological films until 1960 for the FWU ( Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht)

In 1960 he became independent and worked as producer, cameraman and editor. In 1965 he started to built his own studio. Over the years he became more and more specialist in micro-, macro- and time-lapse photography. In his little studio he made nearly everything by himself, the shooting script, camera, sound recording, editing, text and synchronization. Often he broke new ground to make a film run (e.g.. micro-time laps), so he made a lot of technical equipment after his imagination. He shot all his films on 35mm and was working with ARRI- cameras but also, on his microscopes and time lapse shots, with a very old Askanias .

In September 1987 his wife Rosemarie died unexpected suddenly and he couldn’t go over the shock really, because his wife enabled him to do his work in his way over all the years. With the help from his daughter Swetlana he made, through 1991, three more films, and died on the 23.rd of March 1992. In his working life he was co-worker, cameraman or producer of nearly 100 films, a large part awarded with national and international prizes.



1948 – 1960 operative cameraman / cutter of Heinz Sielmann for the FWU (Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht)

Lied der Wildbahn (Song of the hunting ground)
Wasserwild auf dem
Frühjahrszug ( Waterfowl on the passage)
Der Hamster ( The hamster)
Konzert am Tümpel ( Concert at a pond)
Die Iltiskoppel ( The polecats )
Quick, das Eichhörnchen (Quick, the squirrel)
Zimmerleute des Waldes ( The woodpecker )
Wiesensommer ( Meadow summer)
Dorf der weißen Störche ( Village of the white storks)
Am Fuchsbau (The Fox hole)
Greifvögel der Heimat (Indigenous birds of prey)
Herrscher des Urwalds (Lords of the forest)  for the " Foundation Internationale Scientifique" Brussels, Belgian-Congo 1956-1958

  1. Freelance camera-reporter at the independence-ceremonies in Leopoldville, Belgian-

1961/62 Director-cameraman

Der Alexanderzug ( The conquest expedition of Alexander the Great) filmed in Greece, Turkey, Iran, Iraque, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan for the "Freies Deutsches Fernsehen" under the chaimanship of Prof. E. Boehringer

1961 –1964 Editing- and synchronisationworks for the FWU:

Auf amerikanischen Straßen (On American Roads)
Der St.Lorenz Seeweg (The St.Lorenz seaway)
Aus Steppe wird Baumwoll-Land ( Savannah becomes Cottonland)
Steinböcke im Nationalpark Gran Paradiso ( Ibex in the Gran-Paradiso National Park )

1965 Scott’s letzte Reise ( Scott’s Last Voyage) Production, editing, synchronisation and co-narrator.   Historic original material from the Robert Scott expedition 1910/11

1968/69 Dachau. Production, editing, synchronisation and co-narrator. Historic documentary material about the Dachau concentration-camp, Shot by American cameramen 1945

Productions for the FWU (All are teaching films of 15 minutes):

1962 Auf einem Hühnerhof (On a poultry yard)
1964 Von der Saat zur Ernte (From sewing to harvest)
1965 Vögel im Winter ( Birds in winter)
1966 In einem Sägewerk ( In a sawmill)
1966 Der deutsche Schäferhund ( The German shepherd)
1967 Beim Bäcker ( in a bakery)
1968 In einer Brotfabrik ( (In a bred-mill)
1968 Die Amsel ( The Blackbird)
1968 Kleider aus der Fabrik ( Factory- clothes)
1969 Leben im Boden ( Living in the earth)
1969 Chemische Unkrautbekämpfung ( Chemical weed-control)

1971 Der Grasfrosch (The frog)
1971 Blütenbestäubung (Pollination)
1972 in einer Spinnerei (In a spinning-mill)
1972 Der Mäusebussard ( The buzzard)
1973 Der Regenwurm ( The earthworm)
1974 Das Hausrind ( The cattle)
1975 Bildung und Zerlegung von Quecksilberoxyd Lavoisier Experiment 
1976 Ionenwanderung ( Shift of ions)
1976 Elektrolyse ( Electrolysis)
1977 Elementaranalyse I+II
1977 Die Wildkatze (The wildcat)
1978 Die Stubenfliege (The common housefly)
1979 Mundwerkzeuge von Insekten (Muzzles of insects)
1979 Ein Gestüt ( A stud farm)
1979 Kriechbewegungen ( Creep-motions )

1980 Ein Baum ( A tree )
1981 Pantoffeltierchen ( Slipper animacule )
1982 Samenverbreitung ( Seed- spreading )
1982 Krümel im Boden ( Crumb in the soil)
1982 Luft im Boden ( Air in the soil)
1983 Von der Blüte zur Frucht ( From the blossom to the fruit )
1984 Vom Einzeller zum Vielzeller ( From the cingle-celled to the multi-celled organism )
1984/85 Waldsterben ( Forest dying )
1985/86 Myxomyceten – Pilz oder Amöbe ( M;yxomyceta – fungus or amoeba )
1985/86 Amöben mit sozialen Ambitionen ( Amoeba with social ambitions)
1987/88 Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung ( Biological pest control )

1990 Konzert am Tümpel ( Concert at a pond )
1991 Hefen und Schimmelpilze ( Yeast and mould )


He made also 45 minutes versions of the following films:

„Kugelschneller und Leichenfinger" unknown fungi 
„Tänzer im Wassertropfen" smallest animals in a waterdrop
„Ein Baum" an oak tree as biosphere
„Leben im Boden" The biosphere under the soil
„Die Stubenfliege" The common housefly
„Mit Rüsseln und


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