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If you ever worked at Santa Clara Country' Office of Education's Idylwild Center for Communicative Disorders (ICCD), a reunion was held on March 15, 2008.  If you weren't notified, it's because we didn't have your contact information.  Please see the list below for the names of some of those who attended.  Please contact Charlene Foster Koch if you'd like to add  your name to the list for the next ICCD event.

The following people were among those who were there:

 Charita Billingsley
 Michelle Burchfiel
 Pete Fallico
 Charlene Foster Koch
 Roy Gordet
 Jeanne (Martinez) Krumm
 Larry Krumm
 Anthony Maestas
 Bonnie Noehr
 Aileen O'Neill
 Audrey Ostrowski-Gallagher
 Kitty Pollard-Pollack
 Elizabeth Watson-Semmons
 Leo Siegel
 Karen Spychala
 John Tordoff
 Brendan Wheeler


We're looking for the following people.  If your name isn't on this list, please contact us so we can keep you in the loop:

 Carolyn Bliss
 Susan Boughn
 Linda Barrientos Camargo
 Jan Battjes
 Brad Bitter
 Leane Choi
 David Chorjel
 Michele Chorjel
 Keri Dominguez
 Robin Aiken Dominguez
 Kathy Gage
 Judy Ganje
 Betty Harbert
 Judy Harris
 Louise Hutchinson
 Barbara Johnson
 Jill Johnson
 Ray Jones
 Ruth Lisha
 Sally Lussier
 Catherine Marchand
 Susan Marsh
 Julie Melamid
 Mary Michaels
 Jim Mullally
 Barbara Roberts
 Cindy Schiavo
 Darlynne Schurtz
 Dean Schoeppler
 Nancy Skinner
 Cathy Spirakes
 Mary Starke
 Ken Stockton
 Vicki Stone
 Liz Story
 Pat Wilden Wood

Mark Murphy and Frank Nuņes, we miss you both.

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